Saturday, June 30, 2007

before i start

well hi!

neither m a blogger nor kind..jus wanted to put my ideas together somewhere. so if u r gonna read my thoughts then lets start with something about me only. I just love to think n at times come up with some stories (that must b the side effect my novel reading habits). so here m using this space to strat up my first ever novel (i just hope it commense..m too lazy).

i have name it "A mushy heart" (hey hey ppl plz dun come to me that its already copywrite)

ok over to the story...its a story about blood matter how far you stay but the blood do bind you. i mean have you ever consider where you go when you find all world troubling you..on whom u burst all your anger...keep sitting in your room for hours leaving on who all other responsibilities..think about it!!

"A mushy heart"--post 1

Prashant Oberoi, whole school loves him. handsome, cool, cute n intelligent(though not very!). its as if there couldn't be any sport without him. in sports,yes , he is the best. this year is gonna be really special for him as its his last year in the school.
Denobly high, the best school of Karagova. the best school with best teachers n best crowd. Prashant, prink as called by friends, was studying in this school since he was five.they,he and his father shifted to karagova that year only after the death of his he barely had any memory of his mother except how she use to make him ready for the school n how she always came running to him when he use to cry. those memories often make him smile. But as good memories often bring bad one as well,the last of her memory occur to him. the memory of the day when she was in hospital for the delivery of her second child.he was standing outside her room with his father.Doctors told his father that situation was bit complicated n were asking him to sign some papers. he had never seen his father so tensed before(though now this wasn't a rare view).Doctor walked in n they waited for what seems like years. after long wait the doctor came out with a very worried expression on his face. his father was almost longing on the doctor asking him what happened. before doctor could say anything the wardboys came out of the room pushing the strecher which carried his mum..dead.

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