Monday, July 30, 2007


New place, new school, new friends. All was new for Payal Vohra. It was going to be the first day of her school, new school, but she was neither excited nor nervous. She thought it was coz of the shock she is still to overcome. “Nevermind” she told herself “I’ll get used to it”. She was strong for girl of her age, 13. She was a smart, sensitive n innocent look. The sadness of her eyes was making her even cute. But she was not much concerned about it right now. Her first encounter with this new town wasn’t good. She had some misunderstanding with her neighbor’s boy the very first day. Now she was just wondering what would be the first day in school like. “I hope it’ll be fine” she muttered to herself while packing her breakfast.

Mr. Vohra had agreed to drop her to the school, as it was her first day. His face was expressionless all along the drive. Payal wondered is he drop her out of care or just because she was his responsibility now. Mr. Vohra stops the car in front of the school. She quietly stepped out of the car n start moving towards the gate.
“Payal” she remained stunned for a second the turned back to face her father. He was coming out of car himself. He reached her and squeased her hand gently.” Its your first day at school, be good!” as if I m a kid payal thought. “ all will be fine. I’ll pick you up after the school’ he tapped her shoulder. “ And I…err. You should go now”. And he turned back to his car.

Payal again turned towards the gate. She was still shocked from what had just happened. “Was he being good??” ”Was it all real??” “He came out of car to wish me” “was he trying to say. I love you or I care for…you when he stopped??” “ I think he isn’t that bad then “
N gave herself a mental kick for what she was thinking previously. She was full of thoughts when she entered her new school.

Mr. Vohra was still watching her daughter while she was going into her new school. “I do care for you..”

Friday, July 6, 2007

After the game Prashant headed straight to his cell phone. As he knew Priyanka’s “good morning” message was waiting for him. Priyanka is his girlfriend. A smart and intelligent girl, who just knows what she want in life. They were together for over a year now. Prashant often wonder why they need to send good morning messages to each other daily, what difference it’ll be making when will be meeting later in the day. But Priyanka never gave him a proper reply but says “you won’t understand”. Now even Prashant has included it into his habit.
The whole week Prashant remains busy in his practice sessions and buying stuff for the new session and yes, the parties. For him every occasion was good enough for a party. The day before the school start, they had a grand bash. Even the next he and jack were talking about the same when they reached school. “ Seriously man this one was really good. We must throw it more often now” said jack with zest. Prashant grinned back. “ Hey I got some work with Mayak, I’ll catch you later” jack said taking the other path. Prashant moved towards his own class. In the corridor he notice two girls were giggling and pointing towards him. When they watched him noticing them, they waved him. Prashant waved them back. At the same time he saw Priyanka coming towards him. His hand was still in air. He put it down with a jerk. “So what was going on??” Priyanka asked him with a raised eyebrow. “ N-nothing, nothing really” he stammered. On this Priyanka smiled back and “ know what you look so cute when you are nervous”. Prashant gave a surprise-cum-relief chuckle. Together they went for their class while Prashant was making faces on her back as if saying “GIRLS!!” That’s how another great day start for Prashant But it was not so for every one else.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

A mushy heart - post 2

"MOM" Prashant wake up with a jerk. He was again having same dream. Dream, which shows last memory of his mother. His heart was beating really hard. His t-shirt was all drenched with sweat. He took a moment to move the dream away from his mind and let his heartbeat back to normal. Clock was pointing quarter to five. Its 20th of March. The school will start after a whole week. His practice of basketball was due at 6. He got up for bed and start getting ready.
It wasn’t for the first time when he had had this dream. After his mother’s death this dream was quite frequent. Now n then it still haunts him but he managed to get over it now.
When he reached the basketball ground he found jack was already there. Jack’s real name was J. Batra and nobody ever even cared to know what does this “J” mean. He was a tall and dusky boy with spiky hair. He was in a really foul mood today.
“Hey jack, was sup huh! I have never seen you this early before.” “Hey man, I just never understand what’s with my mom dude. She just never understands the situation and just go gaga over it.” Prashant was about to tell him how lucky he is to have a mother but then think better of it. “So what happened this time?” “Oh yeah I’ll tell you. This some Vohra family shifted to house next to us yesterday. “ “Hey” Prashant interrupted “don’t tell me they shifted to our favorite hangout” “yeah boy they did. N now please don’t interrupt me” now even Prashant was feeling somber “ok ok go on” “I was feeling bad coz our place was now gone but when my mom asked me to help them I came along easily.” “Good boy” Prashant said. Jack was burning with fury now “YOU”. “Oh sorry shhh” Prashant now get that its not the right time for fun. “Now keep quite ok” Prashant nodded “ well this started when I was helping that nasty girl in unloading the things and suddenly a necklace of hers broke by my mistake.” Prashant pointed to say something but jack barked “ NO, lemma finish first. That girl made such a face as if someone is dead. You wonder that was just some old piece not worth even a dime n She was about to cry. My mom started scolding me right there as if I was steeling something. I told her that I am sorry n haven’t done that on purpose but kept going on with her m not careful, responsible bla-bla. Know what that girl said on this “aunty its ok”” jack said imitating her ” I was feeling to punch her right there. I am telling you these girls are jerks!” “Hey now come on its…” Prashant was saying when Rahul came with others. “Hey prink! Hey jack! Ready?” Rahul asked. “Hey guys come on lets start the game” Prashant replied while dragging jack towards the court.